Navigating Wellbeing at Work:

Emotional and Mental Health Awareness and Training

It may be redundant to state this, but the workplace has not only changed, it continues to be in a massive state of flux. Many socio-cultural and global dynamics have contributed to this, but individuals are no longer just looking for a nice benefits package and salary from their employers. They are also looking for a level of care and responsibility that was unheard of even 5 years ago. Individuals are looking for purpose, inclusion, personal and professional growth, wellbeing, stability, excitement, belonging, and authenticity.

With this in mind, what is then the role of business and employers within this ever-evolving workplace phenomena?

This is where I can help. As an experienced psychotherapist and facilitator, I will work with you and your organisation to find the best possible solutions for ongoing challenges relating to mental health and wellbeing at work.

Psychoeducation is the process of teaching and learning about mental health, psychology, and wellbeing in a holistic way through the discussion and exploration of: personal emotional and behavioural processes; social and cultural contexts; impact of relationships; the use of coaching techniques; and the application of practical tools for wellbeing and mental health maintenance.

Each Psychoeducation project includes:

  • Initial consultation to understand context, assess needs, and identify outcome objectives.

  • Research, development, creation, and delivery of bespoke training and content.

  • Evaluation and post-event debrief.

  • Additional resources, such as handouts.

The combination of my professional and clinical experience and knowledge will provide each project with:

  • Expertise in emotional and relational dynamics

  • Creative and experiential learning

  • Systemic perspective on organisational dynamics

  • Equity and inclusion expertise, particularly on LGBTQ+ experiences

  • Practical tools for long-term impact

  • Sensitivity, compassion, emotional intelligence, and careful reflection

Psychoeducation Services

  • Delivered in person or virtually, this service addresses general mental health awareness, as well as more specific topics such as burnout, stress management, communication, setting boundaries, identity, creativity, etc.

  • Delivered in half or full days, this training addresses needs and outcomes for specific teams and/or leaders within an organisation. This may be around better communication, team building, creativity, addressing mental health needs of employees, etc.

  • Delivered in person or online, this particular service revolves around my clinical specialism in sex and relationships, particularly modern dating, queer dating, LGBTQ+ wellbeing, consensual non-monogamy, sex & intimacy, intersections of culture and identity.

  • A completely bespoke service based on the needs the unique needs of an organisation, it addresses mental health and relational dynamics, trends, and needs within a business.